
Saturday, January 21, 2012

So, I am starting a new life. I have to have surgery on Monday morning and well I am freaking out. I have to have my gall bladder removed. So, with this new surgery I want to start life on a new foot. I plan on waking up earlier and go to bed at an earlier time. I also want to start eating better and drop the weight I have been carrying around for 5 years now. I want to shed this off and be who I once was again. I also plan to walk all the dogs at least 3 times a week. Currently I am really non-active. I have become lazy and a huge couch potato.

My goal is to drop 10 lbs a month until I am at a healthy weight. I plan to walk 3 times a week and no more junk food. I also want to drink more water and less sugary drinks. I want to also be able to do a 5K by the end of the year.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sometimes I wonder

I really wonder what my boys think when they roll in the mud as I am getting ready. They know when my shoes go on one of them is going. But often they go out for the last tinkle before getting loaded up and they go and roll in the back yard. UGH. So, then they get brushed, sprayed and all cleaned up. I think they do it just so they get fussed over.